
Probing electron transfer with Escherichia coli: A method to examine exoelectronics in microbial fuel cell type systems

Contact   Fischer Fabian
Title   Probing electron transfer with Escherichia coli: A method to examine exoelectronics in microbial fuel cell type systems
Author(s)   Marc Sugnaux, Sophie Mermoud, Ana Ferreira da Costa, Manuel Happe, Fabian Fischer
References   Bioresource Technology, 2013, 148, 567–573
Abstract   Escherichia coli require mediators or composite anodes for substantial outward electron transfer, >8 A/m2. To what extent non-mediated direct electron transfer from the outer cell envelope to the anode occurs with E. coli is a debated issue. To this end, the redox behaviour of non-exoelectrogenic E. coli K12 was investigated using a bi-cathodic microbial fuel cell. The electromotive force caused by E. coli biofilms mounted 0.2–0.3 V above the value with the surrounding medium. Surprisingly, biofilms that started forming at different times synchronised their EMF even when physically separated. Non-mediated electron transfer from E. coli biofilms increased above background currents passing through the cultivation medium. In some instances, currents were rather high because of a sudden discharge of the medium constituents. Mediated conditions provided similar but more pronounced effects. The combined step-by-step method used allowed a systematic analysis of exoelectronics as encountered in microbial fuel cells.
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