
The agar diffusion scratch assay - A novel method to assess the bioactive and cytotoxic potential of new materials and compounds

Contact   Zinn Manfred
Title   The agar diffusion scratch assay - A novel method to assess the bioactive and cytotoxic potential of new materials and compounds
Author(s)   Mascha Pusnik, Minire Imeri, Grégoire Deppierraz, Arie Bruinink, Manfred Zinn
References   Nature - Scientific reports, 6.20854, 2016
Abstract   A profound in vitro evaluation not only of the cytotoxic but also of bioactive potential of a given compound or material is crucial for predicting potential effects in the in vivo situation. However, most of the current methods have weaknesses in either the quantitative or qualitative assessment of cytotoxicity and/or bioactivity of the test compound. Here we describe a novel assay combining the ISO 10993-5 agar diffusion test and the scratch also termed wound healing assay. In contrast to these original tests this assay is able to detect and distinguish between cytotoxic, cell migration modifying and cytotoxic plus cell migration modifying compounds, and this at higher sensitivity and in a quantitative way.
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