
Bioactives of coffee cherry pulp and its utilisation for production of Cascara beverage

Contact   Andlauer Wilfried
Title   Bioactives of coffee cherry pulp and its utilisation for production of Cascara beverage
Author(s)   Andrea Heeger, Agnieszka Kosinska-Cagnazzo, Ennio Cantergiani, Wilfried Andlauer
References   Food Chemistry 221 (2017) 969–975
Abstract   Coffee cherry pulp is a by-product obtained during coffee production. Coffee cherry pulp contains considerable amounts of phenolic compounds and caffeine. An attempt to produce Cascara, a refreshing beverage, has been made. Six dried coffee pulp samples and a beverage called Cascara produced in Switzerland out of one of those samples were investigated. Aqueous extraction of coffee pulps revealed a content of total polyphenols between 4.9 and 9.2 mg gallic acid equivalents (GAE)/g DM. The antioxidant capacity was between 51 and 92 lmol Trolox equivalents (TE)/g DM as measured by the assay with ABTS radical. Bourbon variety from Congo and maragogype variety showed highest caffeine contents with 6.5 and 6.8 mg/g DM. In all samples chlorogenic acid, protocatechuic acid, gallic acid and rutin were present. The beverage Cascara contained 226 mg/L of caffeine and 283 mg GAE/L of total polyphenols whereas antioxidant capacity amounted to 8.9 mmol TE/L.
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