
Wide scope categorization of DHC systems for the identification of emerging or disruptive technologies

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Title   Wide scope categorization of DHC systems for the identification of emerging or disruptive technologies
Author(s)   Girardin L., Marechal F., Wuan D., Page J.
References   Proc. of the 3rd International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and 4th Generation District Heating, July 2017, Copenhagen, Denmark
Abstract   The magnitude of the coming energy transition is a significant challenge: the shift from fossil fuel to low carbon fuel and the withdrawal from nuclear energy involve a shift from the centralized, common energy infrastructure to a decentralized and intermittent energy system. With 50% of the final energy consumption and 75% of the European population concentrated in urban areas, district heating and cooling (DHN) of the whole housing stock constitutes in itself a key sector in the energy transition. The optimisation of distributed and renewable energy systems in buildings has shown that zero energy systems, using existing technologies, is within reach in the household sector where the thermal and electricity systems can support each other to increase renewable energy harvesting, co-generation and waste heat recovery. However, targeting energy autonomous systems at urban scale will require a step further in the development of the infrastructure and a closer look at emerging or disruptive technologies for advanced 4th Generation District Heating and Cooling network (4GDH) and the next generation of Heat Pumping (HP) renewable systems. Looking at past and recent trends in DHC systems in Europe allows to highlight driving factors in favour of the development of the next generation of DHC and renewable HP systems. A classification of emerging or disruptive technologies is proposed starting from the definition of an analytic grid linking categorized technologies with their aptitude to enable or meet a list of identified strategic challenges. The impact of the promising DHC technologies in each category is assessed by the characterisation of their temperature level, energy capacity, exergy efficiency, technology readiness and time to production. Finally, a set of good engineering practices for the integration of the promising DHC technologies are proposed in line with the design of future 100% renewable urban energy systems.
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