
Robustness of Synchrony in Complex Networks and Generalized Kirchhoff Indices

Contact   Jacquod Philippe
Title   Robustness of Synchrony in Complex Networks and Generalized Kirchhoff Indices
Author(s)   Tyloo M., Coletta T., Jacquod Ph.
References   Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 084101, 22 February 2018
Abstract   In network theory, a question of prime importance is how to assess network vulnerability in a fast and reliable manner. With this issue in mind, we investigate the response to external perturbations of coupled dynamical systems on complex networks. We find that for specific, nonaveraged perturbations, the response of synchronous states depends on the eigenvalues of the stability matrix of the unperturbed dynamics, as well as on its eigenmodes via their overlap with the perturbation vector. Once averaged over properly defined ensembles of perturbations, the response is given by new graph topological indices, which we introduce as generalized Kirchhoff indices. These findings allow for a fast and reliable method for assessing the specific or average vulnerability of a network against changing operational conditions, faults, or external attacks.
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