
Inverter to Grid: Voltage control strategies for the grid

Contact   Roggo Dominique
Title   Inverter to Grid: Voltage control strategies for the grid
Author(s)   Roggo D., Moix P.-O., Gabioud D.
References   Proc. of CIRED 2015, Lyon, France, June 15-18, 2015
Abstract   In the context of renewable energy integration into the distribution grid, this paper introduces the concept of synchronized control of many inverters distributed on a low voltage network. Compared to the standard Volt-VAr control, the synchronized control presents substantial advantages. It can better control voltage on a line and add further services such as reactive power compensation at the district level for minimization of losses. In future microgrids with a generalized communication between components, the synchronized control is possible and is really a feature to consider. The concepts developed during this project have been simulated but also implemented on industrial components in the new GridLab laboratory at the University of applied science of western Switzerland HES-SO Valais.
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